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There’s another huge impact from that original choice to pursue a different understanding of health. One I hadn’t known at the time when Christy and I chose to build a future together; a result that has impacted men, women, and children all over the world. It was a change of thought process. I had to look at things from a different approach and not just settle for the “one size fits all” method the traditional medical world uses. Now others are learning to ask questions and think differently. That is a big deal for a culture that historically never questioned anyone in a white coat; they are the experts. There is a lot of power in those two words, I disagree. More people are saying it because of the decisions my wife and I made almost twenty years ago. If you think about it, that is a big impact. Much bigger than we could have imagined at that time.
Actually, a huge national company impacting thousands of people a year around the world would not exist if I hadn’t chosen my wife. The Wellness Way wouldn’t be where it is today if I hadn’t chosen Christy and her unique health. This pivotal change of thought process impacted my wife and created the opportunity for us to have a family with those four amazing daughters. Now I’m using our experience to help families all over the world. I’m here to empower you in your choices; they have an impact. My impact all started with a change in thought process. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about what I learned, and you can decide for yourself.
Is Common Normal?
I have some simple questions for you. Don’t worry, I’ll help you along with the answers. Would you agree in the past 30 years we have more hospitals? That’s obvious. More doctors? There’s a specialist for everything! Spend more money on health care? We spend more on health care than ever before and our country spends more than any other country! Do we have more medications? Yes! The average American is on four to seven medications. We also have more medical interventions than ever before. With so much more medicine you would think we would be the healthiest people on the planet. But do you know what many of them consider the best solution for addressing female hormone concerns? Horse urine. I had to keep studying, so I kept reading and researching.
I found that doctors believe there is no medical reason to menstruate.
The stuff I found was mind blowing. Let me ask you a question. If you have a daughter, when she gets to her teenage years, she’s going to go through a change in life, correct? It’s called puberty and it’s natural. It happens to every young woman. Yet, there are times when the evidence of puberty (the menstrual cycle) is inconvenient, so the medical approach looks for “solutions” to these natural phases of life. Here was an interesting article I found. Horse hormone given to young women to stop them from having a menstrual cycle. I found this article in a very popular “health” magazine. The article starts: “Sick of your period? Get rid of it!” I read the article and thought, maybe this is the thing, maybe they have it right. Perhaps women don’t need a cycle. At the University of Florida Health Sciences Medical School, with the assistance of medication, doctors have now agreed that cycles are optional. But only with the help of a medication. I started to research this idea further and I found that doctors believe there is no medical reason to menstruate. Ever. I had to read what the medication does to make this possible, because this obviously wasn’t a natural process. The prescribed medication causes the uterine lining to harden so you won’t have a period anymore. However, underneath everything still works. What do you think this causes the uterus to do? Like a balloon, it gets bigger and bigger until it actually explodes. The doctors agreed this is not dangerous, however, it may be inconvenient. I’m sure they have their reasoning for that thought, but ladies, if your uterus explodes, is that a little bit more than inconvenient?
I spent time reading thousands of articles by the best doctors in their field and this was the best I could find. This was the only thing they had for my wife. How frustrating this must be for you ladies. After all my reading and research, after seeing hundreds of women a year for eighteen years, I can speak with great confidence on one thing. You want to know what it is? I thank God every day that I don’t have a vagina. Every day. Guys, we are pretty lucky and have it pretty easy. We really do. I also started to realize women didn’t understand their own bodies. My wife at that time was twenty-three years old and had no clue. Many women today have no clue what is going on with their bodies. They don’t understand men and their hormones, and men don’t understand their own hormones nor those of their partners. The medical treatment women are getting is a strong indicator that the traditional thinking is failing all of us. I think it’s time for all of us to look beyond what we may have been told. It’s time for more people to disagree.
I’m going to take you on a path, so you can see for yourself how I began to understand these hormones and functions and how we are able to convey this approach in offices all over the country. To take you on this journey and bring understanding, I need to get you to do what I did and learn to think differently. It will set the stage for the rest of the book. I may step on some toes through this process, and some of you may get uncomfortable. That’s not my goal, but I understand sometimes new paths are uncomfortable. Please trust me when I say the results on this path are worth it!
Just because something is common does not mean it’s normal.
Think about some of the statistics we see daily. Now versus any time in history, do we have more or less heart disease? More or less cancer? More or less fertility problems? If we keep on that same thinking, most of you will have the same situations as everybody else. Just because something is common does not mean it’s normal. I want to help you so that you will start thinking differently. To get you to think differently, I have to come up with an altered approach. That is what I and a growing group of doctors are calling The Wellness Way Approach. With the increase in medical advancement should we really have more cancer, more infertility, more autoimmune issues, more heart disease and more unhealthy people? Many people think because it is common that it’s normal. By the end of this book I want you to disagree.
A Note from Christy:
I’m just a small-town country girl who fell in love with an amazing small-town guy. He had a vision in his heart to help people regain their health. I’m honored to have been his first patient in this way and to see where it has led. It’s overwhelming to think I had some small part in that. I remember the day Patrick came to my place and I was on the floor in a fetal position. There were a lot of emotions.
I remember him just brushing it off when I told him I was probably not going to be able to have children. He said, “I disagree, don’t worry.” I figured we would cross that bridge when we got there. He was so sure, and I trusted in that.
Patrick was the only person willing to connect the dots for me. He was the only person who bothered to look for a solution. He gave me hope. I had learned enough to know I wanted to do things naturally. I was already under chiropractic care, but what I didn’t know was the power of chiropractic care. Many people only think of chiropractic care as pain management for physical trauma. There is a whole philosophy of chiropractic relating to the 3T’s (thoughts, toxins and trauma) unknown to so many people. Once I understood where true health came from and how to regain homeostasis, there was no turning back. I met Patrick and I never stepped foot into another OB/GYN’s office. That was it. I was all-in. I never looked back. He practiced adjusting on me. He took me to all his chiropractor friends who had graduated before him, I was adjusted by all of them including doctors with whom he had interned. Patrick was determined to figure out why my body was so sick and to return it to normal. We both disagreed and now he had to teach me how to think differently.
We did some dramatic things such as eliminating sugar completely from our lives! I remember the day like it was yesterday. I cried. I was emotionally addicted. My mother and grandmother had taught me to bake. It was how we showed love and care for our family. I had to m
ake a decision; to be healthy or remain sick. Now, years later, I love to create new recipes using healthier ingredients comparable to those treats from long ago in the kitchens of my childhood. It’s not easy. You have to make a choice. Treat everything you put into your mouth as either bringing life or bringing death.
Patrick proposed to me outside of a new hospital. I imagine this may not sound like the traditional engagement story, but it is a huge part of our story. We were walking the quiet path on the hospital grounds with the soft lights and large snowflakes falling around us. I didn’t truly understand at that point. Can anyone really understand what is to come? It was romantic in our way. I understood his heart, his dreams and vision. I knew as long as we would walk through it together, it would be worth it. He was proposing to the woman he loved in front of the paradigm and dogma he battled. He told me if I agreed to be with him for the rest of our lives, it would include a journey-an uphill battle. Patrick wanted me to know I was saying yes to not only him, but this life. I knew no matter how hard it would get or what the adversities we faced, it would all be worth it.
When he proposed to me, did I have any inkling that our life would look anything like it does? No! Oh, my goodness, no! When I was a kid and dreamed of my life, I never dream past age 25. I would never dream about marriage or life past that point. Ironic, we got married when I was 25 and my life completely changed. I couldn’t have pictured it if I had tried.
In the beginning this new life was a struggle. I lived on an island for many years, going against the grain. No one was doing what we were doing. As the years went by we built a community of people, educating and inspiring them to become healthier and to create healthy families. We created the community we needed right in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The dynamics of our city changed. We had patients go to the grocery store requesting healthier ingredients eliminating the need to have to drive to Milwaukee on a regular basis just to stock our pantries. This community of people who used to be sick and unhealthy became a transforming group of likeminded individuals. They were taking a stand for what was needed for their own health and their families.
When we were ready to start our family with children and stopped trying to “not get pregnant”, I got pregnant right away. I was so excited. We told people right away. We didn’t live in fear. We didn’t seek the hospital route. Instead, we chose to have our sweet and precious babies at home with a midwife.
Don’t allow someone to tell you it’s not possible. Don’t allow someone to try to scare you or make you believe lies. God created us to be mothers. We need to support and encourage each other. We need to reinforce this within a broken healthcare paradigm. There is a different way—The Wellness Way. This is the pathway to create a healthy family. We need to ask a different question to find the answers we need. What isn’t functioning correctly? Why isn’t it functioning correctly? Be willing to approach hurdles in a different way than you have before. You may be amazed at the people who come across your path who have the answers to the prayers you’ve prayed.
I’m excited for the many people who can be helped by this approach. This is about getting results. The principles and testing allow us to give people hope, answers, and the ability to see things differently. Patrick always talks about the importance of being able to step back and approach your challenges with a different mindset. The Wellness Way approach is an idea – an idea that says we are not genetically programmed for disease or illness, but for health. It’s based on the philosophy that you can only truly be healthy if you address all 3T’s. We test because everyone is unique and should be treated that way. How are these 3T’s affecting you specifically? They focus on who you are and what you need; not a standard procedure.
This book and seminar help people look at all healthcare options. If we could do that for one person, it has all been worth it. The best part is in knowing so many people can be helped. After Patrick started helping me, women began coming from all over. They included a friend my age who was prescribed pre-menopausal drugs, to others who were given no choice but to take some form of artificial hormone. Word travels fast. Now women are calling from all over the world. I’ve been able to watch as Patrick has been able to offer different answers to so many women. He’s given hope to those who want to bear children, building their own legacy and future family, while impacting their children’s children. Raising those healthy kids is another whole adventure! We are creating a healthier society, one baby and momma at a time.
Looking forward, I’m excited to create a different legacy of thought. I don’t fear my girls not having babies. I’m excited. I talk to our girls about having children and a large family if they choose. It is joyous to discuss bringing life into the world and doing what God has called us to do as women. He’s given us gifts to do what men cannot. The gift to be mothers. I want my girls to embrace it. To know that being a mother is a blessing. A gift. It’s something to be celebrated and not treated as if it were a disease to be fixed or medicated.
I’m very proud of the man Patrick has become and I’m excited to see how God continues to use him. I’m blessed to be on this journey with him and I can’t imagine life without him. He’s affected so many people and I’m inspired by that man’s brain, but most of all his heart. Of course, he’s good looking, but ultimately, talking with him; the way his brain works is so intriguing. I could listen to him teach all day. I wanted to marry an intelligent and intriguing man. I love learning from him and how we look at the future-learning, growing and continuing on this journey together. My husband is the most generous, honest, and caring man. He never stops researching. He seeks out the best quality labs and products to ensure the greatest results in all the clinics across the country. The only variable is what you will choose.
As he was coming up with the To Do Lists, Patrick started telling me about the things I was doing to help our marriage. I wasn’t even aware that I was following a To Do List! Every once in a while, I’ll gauge myself to make sure I’m keeping up with my end of the To Do Lists. Even though I helped to create them, I know I need to stay mindful to continue with them for our marriage. They can change a marriage. I know what marriage is like before the To Do Lists and the results once they are implemented. Every marriage has struggles but having useful tools helps point the way to a better marriage. Use the tools and the To Do Lists. Both the husband and the wife need to come to a point where they are humble enough to recognize the needs of the other person need to come first and be met. We need to recognize we don’t have to be the same. Patrick and I are two totally different people. When you respect and recognize each other’s differences, celebrate and embrace them, an amazing marriage can be built. When women complain and nag, I just want to pull them aside and tell them they don’t understand their husband. Likewise, a husband shouldn’t be stressing his wife. He may not understand that he is causing her to stress and in doing so depleting her hormones. It’s a two-way street. If a husband and a wife can humble themselves and honestly look at what they need to change in their own behaviors and actions, it’s a recipe for a better relationship.
Ladies, I encourage you, your partner may not want to read the book (his hormones may not let him sit still that long). He will love the seminar. He will enjoy the entertaining approach. You’ll leave with real tools to put to work right away. Get you and your husband to a seminar. Almost every woman who comes to the seminar without her husband tells us, “I wish I would have brought my husband!” If you are looking for answers or highly entertaining information, you’ll find it at The Hormone Connection seminar. It’s a fresh perspective and look at a topic that affects every man, woman and family. Check in with your nearest Wellness Way clinic for The Hormone Connection seminar schedule. It will change your life.
When a partner can gain insight into their marriage and what could be going on physiologically, hopelessness is born into new hope. This isn’t just a story. This is the dedication and passion of our life. This is our real-life sto
ry. I believe it gives hope.
This man is the love of my life. He’s the incredible father of our four beautiful girls. From daily dance parties when daddy gets home each night, to watching an occasional romantic “chick flick” with me snuggled on the couch – he always puts us first no matter how busy he gets.
I love our story. I love that Patrick is so passionate about hormones and the irony that we have four girls! We have a new legacy of mommas. I’m thankful and grateful for what God has given me: my husband, my children and to be a part of this story that has come to change so many people’s lives. It’s overwhelming.
Daily, I’m on my knees praying for my husband and The Wellness Way. We are on a quest to continue the relentless pursuit of doing the right thing and getting the information out to the people. We will continue regardless of what comes our way; regardless of the hate mail and regardless of obstacles. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned and wish to pass on to you, dear reader: Don’t let your future be dictated by someone else’s fear.